North Dakota Family Alliance Legislative Action

North Dakota Family Alliance
Legislative Action


North Dakota Family Alliance Legislative Action (NDFALA) is a partner organization of North Dakota Family Alliance. Based in Bismarck, NDFALA organizes support for legislation, legislators, and candidates who demonstrate a high level of commitment to life, marriage, religious liberty and parental rights in public policy.

NDFALA’s Board of Directors issues endorsements and authorizes independent expenditure campaigns as they see fit – at the federal, state, and local levels.

If you’d like to seek an endorsement or support from NDFALA, please contact us at Endorsement Request to submit a formal request. NDFALA does not solicit endorsements from candidates and all candidates must pass a standard endorsement evaluation process, regardless of office being sought.


Candidates Who Align With Our Values

Cole Christensen

State Representative | District 24

Damian Johnston

Valley City School Board

Dwight Kiefert

State Representative | District 24

Jason Dockter

State Representative | District 7

Kathy Skroch

State Representative | District 25

Larry Klemin

State Representative | District 47

Matthew Heilman

State Representative | District 7

Mike Motschenbacher

State Representative | District 47

Phil Kleymann

State Representative | District 24

Retha Mattern

State Representative | District 7

Tony Puckett

Valley City School Board

Contact Us

Copyright © 2025 North Dakota Family Alliance Legislative Action | Website by ArcFires

North Dakota Family Alliance Legislative Action

Policy Analyst Internship Position

Are you interested in an exciting internship opportunity where you will have a chance to protect and advance pro-life and pro-family values in the ND legislature? Do you want real-life, real-time practical experience tackling some of the toughest issues facing our culture today? Are you looking for a position that is flexible and where a significant portion of the work can be done remotely? If so, an internship with North Dakota Family Alliance Legislative Action may be precisely what you’re looking for. This position would be a minimum of 20 hours/week, and likely more hours during the legislative session (Jan-Apr 2023). This is a paid internship position.

North Dakota Family Alliance Legislative Action’s mission is to equip North Dakotans to engage in God-honoring citizenship and advocate for policies that strengthen faith, family, and freedom. We are seeking an intern for the Dec 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023 time period, with the possibility of the position transitioning into a permanent job sometime in the future. College credit is available, but the intern would be responsible for making the appropriate arrangement with his or her college.

The internship will provide the student with the opportunity to gain first-hand experience in a pro-life, pro-family nonprofit focused on government relations. The chosen candidate will work directly with the Executive Director and become familiar with the North Dakota legislative process, as well as the philosophy and methodology behind implementing pro-family public policies. Specifically, the position would include the following type of work.


  • Write public policy/bills that will be introduced into the North Dakota Legislature
  • Author written and oral testimony for committee hearings on bills
  • Help develop the Legislative Scorecard, a widely used and respected analysis of legislators’ voting records on key pro-life and pro-family bills during the session
  • Meet ND legislators and others in state government who work on public policy
  • Get to know and work with other like-minded public policy organizations in North Dakota
  • Get hands-on experience operating a nonprofit, including aspects such as communications, marketing, fundraising, and regulatory compliance.
  • And much more…

Desired Qualifications

  • Christian commitment and agreement with NDFALA’s Statement of Faith and Values
  • Enrollment in college, either at the undergraduate or graduate level (recent graduates will also be considered)
  • Strong verbal and written communication skills, as well as a strong command of the English language, spelling, and grammar are required.
  • Aptitude for and experience with technology, including Microsoft Office 365. Experience with CRM systems is also desirable, but not required.
  • Passion to grow and willingness to learn. Excellent organizational skills, attention to detail, and consistent ability to meet deadlines and remain flexible in an ever-changing environment are also desired.
  • Valid driver’s license and the availability to travel to Bismarck at least once a week during legislative session

To apply for this position, please submit a cover letter and resume. The cover letter must at a minimum include: 1.) Why you want to work with NDFALA, 2.) Hours you would be available to intern per week and degree of flexibility, and 3.) What issue areas or organizational roles you are most interested in.

For consideration, please forward your cover letter and resume to [email protected] with “Internship Application” in the subject line. Applications will be evaluated on a rolling basis until a candidate is chosen for the internship position.